Betsy Bootcamp Monthly Membership
Gymnastics club owners, gymnastics coaches, gymnasts and the general population who want to get in shape with Betsy, save time creating conditioning plans, and who need/want excellent relevant and impactful nutrition education for their gymnasts, parents and coaches. The end result will include better retention for athletes, injury prevention, fun conditioning and nutrition ideas with stronger and happier athletes and people!
1) Dynamic Monthly Training Gallery of over 100 updated conditioning exercises each month ranging from functional to skill specific, active flexibility and so much more
2) Betsy’s Nutrition Newsletter is packed with exceptionally specific gymnasts needs. It includes recipes, education on what foods gymnasts need to fuel their bodies with, including foods that help with energy, recovery and performance. Great for gymnastics owners and coaches to share with their parents each month.
3) Gymnastics Specific Conditioning Plans are a periodized guide of conditioning, functional training, injury prevention and active flexibility that has everything a gymnastics coach/owner needs to run their conditioning program. This membership includes BASIC CONDITIONING PROGRAMS and ADVANCED CONDITIONING PROGRAMS.
BASIC CONDITIONING specifically for gymnasts or coaches who don’t have time to create conditioning Fundamental program.
ADVANCED CONDITIONING PROGRAM are skill specific and functional training plans with warmups, core, leg, and upper body circuits Periodized training to the gymnastics season Nutrition News comes in this area.
4) Fitness Enthusiast Training and Nutrition is a perfect program for the general population, ex-athlete or anyone that wants to get in shape with Betsy. Get in shape, stay in shape, or get stronger with Betsy's specialized workouts that incorporate full body stretching, core and total body programs. Programs are updated quarterly and are available On-Demand. These workouts are perfect for individuals who want to work out at HOME vs. the hustle and bustle of a busy gym.
5) Educational Nutrition and Conditioning Webinars are perfect for the Gymnastics owner, coaches or athletes who would like to learn about nutrition and conditioning. These 1 hour webinars are focus on nutrition for the summer, pre-season, competition season, post season, recovery. Sessions for coaches include conditioning circuits, how to create programs and talk to parents and athletes about nutrition.
6) Bonus Content includes quarterly updated recipes, Ebooks and Betsy's podcasts relating to gymnastics coaching, artistry, mental training and so much more!
Price: $79 a month or $799 for the year (get two month’s free!) Or Two Payments of $350, One upon start up, the next 60 days after purchase
Are you an owner/coach or regular athlete/person who wants to work with Betsy ONE on One in her EXCLUSIVE SINGLE GYM or SINGLE CLIENT Programming? Ask about the personalized DIAMOND membership which is an exclusive plan FOR YOU or YOUR GYM only. Click HERE to subscribe!
What People are Saying:
"Hi Betsy! I just read your book today and I loved it! I loved how truthful it was. I was able to relate to many things you mentioned. Especially about how you felt like you were in a rut for a while. I appreciate all of the wisdom and time you have shared with me and given to make me a better gymnast. Just to update you, things are going really well. I am back to full training on 3 of 4 events and getting ready to compete this season starting on January 6th! Reading your book was super inspiring, especially during a time when sweets and high calorie foods are EVERYWHERE;) Thank you for all you have done for me. Best wishes and Happy Holidays." - Anna Glenn
"Having Betsy come to our gym for Betsy Bootcamp was the best investment I could have ever hoped for! Our coaching staff, athletes & parents all benefited greatly from her enthusiasm, conditioning boot camp training and nutrition education! We are so excited to implement her creative ideas for conditioning into our workouts for every level. Just received my GYMNACHEF cookbook today and made a trip to the store to get my week started on a healthy note. Thank you Betsy for all that you do for our sport. Coaches, Gymnasts & parents can all benefit from your gift of healthy nutrition ideas & positive encouragement. The “5th Event” will take our program to the next level! We love you Betsy ❤." - Coach Stephanie P, Owner Flip Zone in Indy
"Betsy has so much positive energy to offer. She can easily relate to the kids and understands how to motivate them! I love how she brought in nutrition, yoga, and mental training as the 5th event of gymnastics. It really gives the kids a full picture of what it means to be an athlete. She has a very energizing and refreshing approach. I also loved how she gave us new ideas for conditioning using lots of different equipment. The variety of exercises really helps us keep conditioning fresh, smart, and fun. I love the emphasis on agility in many of her conditioning exercises!" - Liz, Coach Watertown Tumblekid, Mass.
"My first interaction with Betsy was seeing her "in action" at Cincinnati Gymnastics. She was so in tuned to the gymnasts and I was so excited to know that she had a nutrition background as well. I contacted her about doing a meal plan with one of my Level 10 athletes and she did such a great job with her that we asked her to do a group meal plan for a small group of our team. She is very on top of things, constantly wanting feedback and giving feedback from the parents and athletes. She is totally committed to what she does! We are so thankful to have found her and have her work with our gymnasts! Thanks and God bless!" - Brianna M