Attention Perimenopausal and Menopausal Women:
Do you feel like you are in someone else’s body?
Experiencing recent weight gain around your midsection, uncomfortable bloating, fatigue, uncomfortable periods, sleep issues, moodiness and body breakdown?
Do you just want to feel better, but are overwhelmed, stressed and frustrated with your current situation?
My Story:
I have been an athlete my whole life. But two years ago when I hit 47 my body literally started to breakdown. I was bloated, gaining weight, experiencing back problems, heel spurs, cracked skin, hair loss, loss of energy, fatigue, moodiness beyond belief.

I realized at that point that I was entering perimenopause. It was a terribly painful experience and I was battling emotional and physical body changes while also dealing with the personal stress of having two special needs children and running my own business.
But soon, that was about to change for the better...
I get it! Fatigue, bloating moodiness, weight gain, skin issues, sleep disruptions. headaches and stress recently put me over the edge, and by default I was able to figure out what was making my perimenopause symptoms event worse! Tons of stress, lifestyle choices, cortisol overhaul, overexercising, over stimulating with substances were disrupting my whole hormonal balance! I needed to figure out how to break this cycle but it didn’t actually happen to me until I stepped outside of my body and was forced to BREAK the bad habits that were keeping me down. I want to help YOU break your habits….but before you read about that, let me share with you a little about my journey. Here is what I found out:
Perimenopause symptoms are bad enough on their own, but when you compound them with terrible lifestyle habits, they become worse!

I have finally broken free from the cycle of:
Fatigue Bloating
Weight Gain
Sleep issues
Dry cracked skin
Body Breakdown
Sound familiar? You too maybe experiencing similar symptoms but aren’t quite sure where to start, why this is happening and how to attack your current predicament with exercise, nutrition or lifestyle choices. Is it hormonal, is it stress? Is it diet, exercise, or a combination? Maybe you just need help figuring this out! That is why I have created the Break the Cycle Bootcamp, because I want to help you ease your symptoms of perimenopause and break some of the habits to improve your current situation.

Now, we are ALL different, so your journey on breaking your perimenopausal or menopausal issues will be different. That is why I am giving you a starting point to start from in my Break The Cycle Bootcamp. In this bootcamp you will:
1. Take an HONEST look at your current habits, your monthly cycle and pinpoint your triggers and habits that you need to zero in on to change and improve your current situation. You will have to do some hard inner work, but it will be worth it!
2. Determine how much exercise you need and receive pre-recorded workouts based on your level of fitness. I will help you do this!
3. Determine how your nutrition is affecting your sleep, your activity, mindset and ultimately your physique.
4. Receive 3 accountability and motivation group meetings with me, and 2 meetings with both homeopathic and traditional medicinal practitioners who can educate and answer your questions regarding perimenopausal symptoms to help clarify you situation and determine a game plan for getting out of the cycle.
5. Have the opportunity to get a personalized program including a strategy to combat and break your current cycle of perimenopausal/menopausal breakdown.
Check out the two bootcamp options available:
Click HERE for The Starter Plan Information
Click HERE to Purchase
Click HERE for The Personalized Plan
Click HERE to Purchase
So what’s it going to be? You can continue on your hamster wheel or take actual steps to changing things that YOU are in control of!! You have nothing to lose and so much to gain, so join us in Breaking our Cycles!
Any questions please email Betsy: coach@betsymcnally.com
See you there!